It’s funny how the human mind works. I was driving down the road, thinking about the dinner we were having that night. Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes.. biscuits… white gravy… good stuff. When all the sudden I remembered a time when myself and my now ex-husband, Jacob’s Father, were dating, and I was cooking him the same dinner. I had been turning the meat in the hot oil, and took my slotted spoon out… and for whatever reason… turned it up toward the sky pretty fast, and flung super-hot, fresh out of the fryer, chicken fried steak breading on his bare chest. I can’t imagine how bad that hurt. But, for whatever reason, the other day it made me laugh. Hysterically (yes, I know I’m mean, and this has been over 6 years ago, BTW J )… then I began thinking about how things had changed between us, and then my thoughts turned to Jacob. In an instant, my sneaky little nemesis – Grief was back. My mind began racing to the brief time I was on b...