
Showing posts from 2023

Donating Buddies for grieving parents.

In October 2022. I had the idea to use my Scentsy business to help grieving parents feel less alone.  I have packaged up all of the buddies purchases from my buddy drive produced, and contacted hopsitals in my area to get them into the painfully empty, hurting arms of parents who lose babies in the hospital.  When Jake was stillborn, I received a little stuffed lamb. I wrapped his swaddling blanket around it, and put his little cap on it's head. I still have it, wrapped the exact same way, eleven years later.   Shortly after I donated the first round of buddies, I received a message from a friend, that thanked me for reaching from a broken place to help other families.  It just so happened, one of her dear family members was chosen to join this group of broken mommas and daddies who to lose their precious baby.  The momma was very touched, to have a snuggly buddy to hold, that smelled like a fresh newborn. Would you help me get buddies into hospitals across...