Jake's Birthday Photos

It has been almost a month since Jacob's first birthday in Heaven.  For the most part we had a good day as a family.  As always, I had a hard time leaving my sweet baby boy at the cemetery.  I hated for his little body to be there all by himself on his birthday.  After we released our balloons we came home  as a family and ate a small lunch and birthday cake.  It was a good day... one with some tears and great memories of a precious boy, gone too soon.

 These tags were attached to the bottom of the 20 balloons we released.
 momma before I handed out the balloons for release
Jake's papa also held some... he thought he was being funny :)
Jake's big brother, Uncle Cody and Aunt Jackie
This is my 3 yr old niece holding hers to send to Jake
away they flew...

 fly to Heaven
Jake's First Birthday Cake

The same stationer friend that created the balloon tags, also created these memorial cards for Jacob's first birthday.  They have the poem 'Just the Same' by Anne Peterson on them, as well as his birth information. 
Happy 1st Birthday baby boy!




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