Today, Monday the 13th day of August 2012, Jacob's headstone was delivered to our small church home where my sweet baby rests. On Friday,Jacob's six month birthday, I contacted the monument company to confirm exact date of completion of Jacob's headstone. The owner explained that it was completed, and that it would be delivered Monday. We agreed to meet at the cemetery at 9:30am. (Afterwards, I wonder if they didn't deliver it Friday because they realized it was an anniversary and didn't want to make it difficult on me) The gentleman explained to me how everyone that walked by loved his headstone and said " awww, look at the horse". He also told me that it was absolutely beautiful and he thought I would be pleased. I left home early this morning that way I could be at the cemetery when the truck arrived. Payton and I got there about 9am and moved his bees and pinwheel that way the men would have room to work....