Three months already?

Yesterday was the 3 month anniversary of my sweet baby boy Jake, going to Heaven.  I woke up yesterday morning singing a song played at his funeral.  I lie there in bed remembering him for a few minutes... then I realized that in 3 short weeks he was supposed to be here.  I would be 9 months pregnant by now.  My heart is broken.  I hate that time keeps flying by, getting further and further away from when I last held my sweet angel, saw his adorable little face and kissed him.  I know that as we move further into the future, we also move one step closer to Heaven... it's just the meantime that is so rough.  This weekend is Mother's Day, I am planning on visiting my tiny angel at the cemetery.  We, as a family yesterday, went and sent him some balloons.  Each of us wrote a special message to Jake on one.  Payton, his big brother even made sure to tell us to do like we did last time and send Jake our kisses.  Not long ago, Payton and I were making Jake cards to attach to his balloons, and I asked Payton what he would like his to say, and he said " Love you Jake, come back home to me."  I cried momentarily, because my five year old just echoed my thoughts and wishes.  I so wish Jake was just visiting, and could come back home to us and live forever.

Soon I will post pictures of our balloon release on Jake's 3 month angelversary. 

Until then, know that I am still praying for each mommy and daddy who are given angels.

Thank you Tesha for making my day by making me these sweet graphics in memory of my precious baby boy. <3
Jake will most definitely be forever loved and never ever forgotten.


  1. I have to say my 3 month day was really hard I don't know why. I have never really been one who cared about dates. I love what Payton said, how very sweet.Look forward to seeing the pictures :)I am saying prayers for you, and remembering Jake with you!

  2. Thank you Tesha for the prayers. :) I don't see these dates getting any easier anytime soon. Payton adores Jake even though he never got to meet him, he knows that he will always be Jakey's big brother. I will keep you in my prayers as well... I know how you miss your sweet Jonathan. <3


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